The Tools And Tips You Need To Get Paid For The Craft You Love WITHOUT Hooking All Of Your Time Away

Building and growing a crochet business is never easy, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all on your own. I help crocheters like you take the shortcuts to success and avoid the common pitfalls that so many fall victim to.

Learn how to: 

1 – Put in place all the necessities of a crochet business so that you have strong foundations to build your future success on.

2 – Branch out and bring in new profit streams so that you can put your hook down and enjoy more time for you and your family while seeing your profits increase.

3 – analyse and learn from your experiences to improve your crochet business and keep making it more successful and profitable so that you can achieve your ambitions.


1 – Wasting time and money on things that won’t work for your crochet business

2 – Sacrificing your precious family and personal time because you can’t put your hook down without losing money.

3 – Making the same mistakes time and time again because you don’t know how to pick out the lessons from your previous experiences.

You are a crocheter, now you need to learn the business world too

Introducing The Hooked On Success Membership!

The Hooked On Success Podcast Membership

There are many components to running your own crochet business, and let’s face it, you’re a crocheter, not a business person. 

Crocheting and business are 2 completely different skills, and you need to master both to make those crochet profits roll in.

If you’re open to learning the crochet business know-how from someone who has been exactly where you are but has done the learning and the failing to discover the parts that really matter, then I am here to help you do what I have done.

…Because if I can do it, so can you.

Why Listen To Me?

I’m Kelly Thomas, crochet pattern designer, blogger and crochet business coach. But that’s what I am now.

I started out by selling the crochet that I made to try and make some extra cash to boost the family finances after my son was born. I never set out to be a business, I just wanted to make our financial situation a bit more comfortable. But I soon saw the potential and was determined to make that potential happen.

So, several years, several dozen mistakes and some successes later, here I am. I have a successful crochet pattern business, a blog that earns me revenue while I look after my family and a crochet business coaching business that is going from strength to strength.

I will show you how I did it, while avoiding the silly (and not so silly) mistakes that I made along the way.

A picture of me

What’s On Offer?

The chances are that you’ve discovered me through my podcast. Most of my followers have, so I want to extend the help I can offer you through that platform.

The Hooked On Success Podcast membership has 3 tiers available that suit everyone’s needs and budgets.


The Early Access Tier is for those who want to get ahead in their learning. You will get access to episodes a week earlier than anyone else, so you can put my lessons and advice into practice sooner – £2.99 / month


The Exclusive Tier is for those who want more. Not only will you get early access, but you will also get access to exclusive members-only episodes and challenges that I give you through special episodes to spring your crochet business forward with some detailed work in a particular area of your business – £7.99 / month


The VIP Tier is for those who want my personal support and feedback. You will get everything from the other tiers as well as access to the VIP community group where you can ask the questions you have and receive my personal support and feedback, not just on the podcast challenges, but on any area of your crochet business – £14.99 / month


What’s the minimum sign up term? The membership is charged monthly, and you can cancel at any time to avoid being charged the following month. There is no minimum sign up term. Stay for a month, a year, forever. The choice is yours.

I’ve already started my crochet business, will this help me? Yes, the podcast is not just geared towards beginners, it is for everyone who is looking to increase their crochet profits and who need support in their crochet business.

Is this membership just for those who sell what they make? No, although I am totally here to support those who sell what they make as well. If you want to make more than a couple of hundred pounds a month, you need to create a crochet business that does not depend on how many hours you can devote to crocheting. That’s why I spend a lot of time talking about alternative revenue streams like pattern design, courses, and ad revenue through your crochet content.

How often will the challenges happen? The challenges will occur at least quarterly. You will also get access to past challenges when you join the challenges playlist. The challenges will be released as podcast episodes – sometimes 1, sometimes the challenge will be spread over several episodes. If you are a member of the VIP tier, you can also access my support and additional resources such as workbooks inside the VIP Facebook group.

How often will exclusive episodes be released? There will be an exclusive episode released every 2 weeks. 

The Hooked On Success Podcast Membership
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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