About Crochet Business School

Get Paid For The Craft You Love WITHOUT Hooking ALL Of Your Time Away

Building a crochet business is never easy, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all on your own. I’ll help you take shortcuts to success and avoid the common pitfalls that so many fall victim to.

A picture of me

Who Am I?

I’m Kelly Thomas, crochet pattern designer, blogger and crochet business coach. But that’s what I am now.

I started out by selling the crochet that I made to try and make some extra cash to boost the family finances after my son was born. I never set out to be a business, I just wanted to make our financial situation a bit more comfortable. But I soon saw the potential and was determined to make that potential happen.

but it wasn’t long before the frustrations of trying to make a decent income that way took hold:

  • Struggling to get the price that my crochet deserved,
  • Having to crochet every minute available to get those orders completed and sent out on time.
  • Missing out on time with my family to crochet
  • My crochet was becoming a chore. 

It was horrible and not at all what I had envisioned when starting this crochet venture.

I was going to craft fairs, taking lots of ready-made stock with me but I barely made a profit. 

Just when I thought I had got to the end of my order list and could spend a bit of time with my family, more orders would roll in and I would have to pick up my hook and get cracking again. It was a double-edged sword – great that I was getting orders, not great that it was taking up every minute of my time to keep up

Something needed to change or I was going to have to close up shop.

So I turned to writing and selling my own crochet patterns. I knew I could do this, as many of the designs I sold were my own ideas. It just meant writing the patterns out properly so that others could understand them.

My 1st pattern was a simple shower puff, but that simple pattern soon gave way to more complicated ones, and 6 months later I released my very first crochet along – the 50 Stitches which is what made my business what it is today. 

By the time the 50 Stitches started, I had completely stopped selling what I made, was working when I wanted, making what I wanted and had tripled my income.

I had more time to spend with my son, I got to enjoy my crochet again as I wasn’t forced to crochet to keep up with orders and I had the time to relax and spend some time on myself because I could put my hook down without the fear of losing money.

So, several years, several dozen mistakes and some successes later, here I am. I have a successful crochet pattern business, a blog that earns me revenue while I look after my family and a crochet business coaching business that is going from strength to strength. 

You can do the same and I will show you how!

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