Crochet Selling For Introverts

Crochet Selling For Introverts

Are you an introvert that can crochet and want to start selling your amazing creations and share your talent to bring in that much needed cash? Let me tell you all about crochet selling for introverts.

It’s an unfortunate fact that the world of selling is much easier for extroverted types who are loud and proud (not that there’s anything wrong with that) but this is unbelievably intimidating for shrinking violets like us – yep, I’m an introvert too, I really don’t like “getting myself out there” and find trying to be that way just saps my energy and I just can’t find the oomph to get on and do it after just a few days of putting my all into it. It’s just not the approach for me.

If you’ve read some of my other blog posts or listened to my podcast, you may have heard me saying that you just need to get yourself seen, go and show off what you offer on social media and go and chat to your ideal customer. This advice does work, and it has worked for me when I have really made that extra effort, but it’s much easier for those who are comfortable making small talk with people they barely know and are very sociable and enjoy meeting and getting to know new people.

But for people like us who are not social butterflies, this strategy is scary and very off putting. But don’t despair, there are introvert friendly marketing strategies that you can use to sell your crochet, and still get that much needed cash coming in.

You Don’t Have To Rely On Social Media

If the idea of plastering your crochet all over social media fills you with dread, then don’t do it. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can give you a bit of a shortcut when it comes to building an audience, and has the advantage of being a free platform. But having a social media account is by no means essential. You can do without one if you find it too energy sapping and intimidating to use regularly.

Instead, you’re going to have to rely on search engines and an email list to get those sales coming in.

Getting away from social media removes that need to constantly come up with new content and make small talk with anyone and everyone. It preserves your energy and instead gives you the chance to plan your messaging in advance, and quite frankly message in a more effective way using newsletters delivered via email.

I won’t lie to you, building your email list without the aid of social media is going to be slow. It will take time to collect those emails using just sales platforms and/or a website. 

The world of sales is far quicker if you’re more of an extrovert, and a lot of the marketing and sales tactics that you hear are geared towards those with an outgoing personality, so they will start to get traction and start growing their audience and making sales quickly. You can still grow your audience and make those sales, its just going to take you longer.

The first step in your crochet business as an introvert should be to accept that you are not going to make this thing happen as quickly as your extroverted counterparts. Yours is going to be a different journey that will happen at a different pace that suits you and that you are happy to show up in everyday.

Extroverts are the Hares in the race, you are the Tortoise. Slow and steady wins the day. You will get there in the end,

You can do this, you really absolutely can, but you’re going to have a slow start. Accepting this will make things much easier and far less frustrating for you.

How Do You Get Your Crochet Sales To Grow When You’re An Introvert?

You can’t make sales without someone to sell to. So you need to give potential customers a way to find you.

An extrovert will be on social media, finding groups that their ideal customer is in, chatting away and enticing people to take a look at their page, browse their shop and join their group.

You can still have a social media page – it’s a great way for people to check out what you have to offer and what you’re about before jumping in to make a purchase. You don’t have to post often, just a quick update with your latest product will do. But how you get people to discover you will be a bit different.

I would definitely recommend an Etsy shop – it’s great for selling both what you make and patterns and your Etsy listings will appear in Google searches. You can add your social media links to Etsy and include them in your Thanks For Buying message and on your shop banner.

Without social media you need to be found on Google, which means getting your keywords right. What would someone type into Google to find your crochet? The more specific you get the better, as then you will appear in searches where people intend to buy rather than just seeing what might be available to them while they decide what they specifically want.

Your Crochet can be found on Google if you use platforms like Etsy, YouTube, Pinterest, A Blog. Basically anywhere except social media.

You should use the platforms that you feel comfortable with and that doesn’t feel like a chore that you have to force yourself to do in order to post and create content for.

I would highly recommend creating a newsletter for your brand. After you have been found on whichever platform you have chosen to use, you can add a link to your newsletter sign up in your profiles, descriptions and of course your thank you message once someone buys from you.

Having a newsletter gives you a way of communicating on mass with your audience that is way more reliable than social media. You can add multiple links and photos into your emails to give updates and latest product releases to your following. 

Best of all, you don’t need to interact with anyone in order to boost a newsletters reach like you do on social media, you just have to press the send button and every single member of your following will receive it.

You only need to send a newsletter once a week in order to keep up your brand awareness, making it far less time and energy consuming than social platforms.

Building your crochet business as an introvert is going to be slower than if you were extroverted, but that does not mean that you won’t find success – far from it. You can actually end up with a far more sustainable and profitable business than those that throw a tonne of energy into it and end up burning out trying to keep it up on a daily basis.

When you are ready there are 3 ways that I can help you:

  1. Listen to my podcast for more crochet tips and advice
  2. Sign up to my newsletter for weekly crochet selling tips and resources sent straight to your inbox
  3. Check out my free Facebook group for daily tips, resources and support



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